Below is a collection of applications that have been developed and built by individuals and organizations using datasets published by the County of Alameda as part of our Open Data Initiative. We encourage you to participate in this initiative by providing feedback on the applications, building your own application on the available datasets, and by letting us know what other datasets we should make available to the public. However, because these apps are built by individuals and organizations, we can not guarantee their accuracy, availability, or functionality. If you are having trouble with any of apps or have suggestions to improve the apps, please contact the developer(s) directly.
This app took honorable mention at Alameda County's first hackathon, ACApps Challenge 2012. The ACPOI (Alameda County Points of Interest) app displays information about points of interest within the County. It utilizes a dataset published by the Alameda County Community Development Agency.
Check it out...
This app won 2nd place at Alameda County's first hackathon, ACApps Challenge 2012. The ACPR Finder app displays information about parks and recreation areas within the County. You can select park features like hiking trails and volleyball courts and the app will let you know which parks have those features.
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This app uses Alameda County's Restaurant Inspection dataset to display health inspection results. You can search by name or by location on a map. You can easily check to see if that restaurant you are heading to for lunch got a "green" rating. Or, you might want to change those dinner plans if the restaurant got a "red" rating.
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The Alameda County Path Finder app is a versatile 4 - in - 1 application which serves as a digital pocket guide for citizens in Alameda County. You can use AcPaFi to find new restaurants, schools, libraries, hospitals, etc. in your area.
Check it out...Regular Site or Mobile Site
This app uses Alameda County's property tax and assessment datasets to show financial information about a property.
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The Alameda County Informational app helps its residents to find information about the County. It includes restaurant inspections, crime stats, schools, parks, hospitals, health clinics, senior centers, and emergency shelters.
Check it out on Google Play or the Apple Store.
GreenByMe locates certified green businesses in Alameda County – built with the goal of engaging residents and visitors with sustainable green practices of their community.
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This app was developed by Alameda County's Information Technology Department. It allows you to search throughout the County for different types of businesses that have been certified "green". It also includes information about the program and what it means to be certified "green".
Check it out...
County Access enables residents and visitors to stay upto date with county news and events. Citizens can share information with others through social media.
Check it out in iTunes.