Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder Seal with open book in front of water, hills and sun

County of Alameda
Office of Melissa Wilk, Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder

Fictitious Business Name Filing
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Effective January 1, 2024 and pursuant to AB 878, any registrant who files a fictitious business name statement, statement of abandonment, or statement of withdrawal is to include a business mailing address instead of the previously required registrant's residence address.

The filing fee is $40.00 for one business name and one owner. An additional fee of $7.00 is charged for each additional owner or Fictitious Business name listed on the same statement. Abandonments and Partnership withdrawals are $35.00.

It is wise to research the Fictitious Business Name index before filing to ensure uniqueness of your business name. Click the "Fictitious Business Name Research" link at left for more information.

Fictitious Business Name Statements must be filed with the clerk of the County in which the registrant has his or her principal place of business. The complete address of the business and of each registrant must be clearly printed on the statement. Post office boxes are not acceptable. The statement must be signed by the registrant (stamped or digital signatures are not acceptable). If more than one owner is listed on the form, only one owner/registrant must sign the form. If the business is being conducted by a corporation, or L.L.C, an officer of the corporation must sign the statement and include his/her title. If the fictitious name includes Corporation, Corp., Incorporated, INC., Limited Liability Company, LLP, or L.L.C., the registrant must also submit a state endorsed copy of the articles of incorporation or articles of organization for such name or for such registrant.

* All Fictitious Business Name Statements received in the office of the Alameda County Clerk are required to be accompanied by presentation of current and valid government-issued identification. Business and Professions Code Section 17913(d)(e)

A Fictitious Business Name Statement can be filed in one of two ways:
  1. By mail via the application.
    • Please be sure to send the original and 3 copies of the form and a self-addressed stamped envelope to ensure a prompt return of your copies. Payment for additional certified copies are $2.00 per copy. We do not require a copy of your ID for mail filings.

    • If you would like to have your filing returned to you via FedEx, please include an additional $24 along with a note specifying where you would like your filing to be sent. If you do not include a note, we will return your filing to the mailing address listed on the filing. If there is no mailing address, it will be returned to the business address.

    • You may pay by check (personal, company, bank, or cashiers), money order or traveler's checks. Out of country payments must be made in U.S. dollars. Credit cards are not accepted for mail orders.

    • Mail completed application and payment to:

    • Alameda County Clerk-Recorder's Office
      1106 Madison Street
      Oakland, CA 94607

  2. In-Person at one of the Clerk-Recorder's Office in Alameda County.
    • Prior to coming in, please complete one of the following steps:
      • Submit the information online (New filings and renewals only). **THIS DOES NOT COMPLETE YOUR TRANSACTION. After submitting your information online, the registrant MUST come into one of our offices to complete the process within 30 days.
      • Download the application from our website and complete it. Bring the original and 3 copies of the form when you come into one of our offices to complete your filing.

    • Please bring valid identification and payment.
    • You may pay by cash, debit/ATM, check (personal, company, bank, cashier's or traveler's) or money order.
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