A message from:
Board of Supervisors
Susan S. Muranishi, County Administrator
June 11, 2021
On June 15, 2021, the next step in the Governor’s Office pandemic recovery plan is expected to include fully reopening the state’s economy. It is anticipated that certain existing COVID-19 safety precautions will be relaxed, changed, or eliminated in the community. However, the safety standards for workplaces, including the County of Alameda, are governed by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA). Cal/OSHA has not yet completed updates to the existing COVID-19 regulations.
As such, the County will maintain our existing COVID-19 workplace safety protocols until further notice, including the following:
- Physical distancing will continue to be required by employees and patrons in all County facilities.
- Face coverings for all employees and patrons will continue to be required in County facilities regardless of vaccination status.
- Daily cleaning will continue to occur.
- Other COVID-19 workplace safety measures, including employee self-screening assessments, frequent handwashing, hand sanitizer use, and the use of plexiglass/physical barriers, etc. will remain in place.
We recognize how eager we all are to get back to our normal lives as safely and as quickly as possible. However, as Cal/OSHA governs workplace safety, we must continue to abide by their current regulations. And while those COVID regulations have impacted the way we go about our normal workday, they have also contributed to a safer work environment for us all. The County will defer making further modifications to our existing COVID-19 workplace safety protocols pending our review of new Cal/OSHA regulations and other guidance.
The unwavering commitment of our dedicated County employees has assisted our residents and communities to weather this pandemic so that together we can continue on our shared path to a full and safe recovery. We ask that you stay the course a while longer and continue to follow the safety measures that have enabled us to provide core services to our residents and communities for the past 15 months. As we look forward to an improved economy and increased vaccination rates, we are confident that a gradual reopening will support the health and safety of our employees and enable us to continue serving our diverse communities.