Fair Political Practices Commission
Ticket Reporting

The State of California's Fair Political Practices Commission instituted a new regulation effective February 7, 2009 as outlined in Section 18944.1 defining how a public agency may distribute event tickets and passes for a public purpose. To do so requires that the County adopt a ticket policy that contains, at a minimum, the following:

  1. A provision setting forth the governmental purposes of the County to be accomplished by the distribution of event passes or tickets;
  2. A provision requiring that the distribution of any ticket or pass by the County to, or at the behest of, a County official accomplish a public purpose of the County; and
  3. A provision prohibiting the transfer by any County official of any ticket or pass, distributed to such official pursuant to the County policy, to any other person, other than members of the official's immediate family solely for their personal use.

In order to fully implement the requirements of the new regulation, the Board of Supervisors adopted the Policy on Distribution of Passes and Tickets. In addition to including the provisions outlined above, the policy acknowledges the obligation imposed by the new regulation that the County post certain information regarding the distribution of tickets and passes prominently on the County website.

FPPC Form 802

Note: the date of the file is the month in which the tickets were distributed.

View Form 802s submitted on or after July 1, 2024

View Form 802s submitted prior to July 1, 2024


For questions related to this new regulation, you may wish to contact the FPPC directly at their toll-free number: 1.866.ASK.FPPC (1.866.275.3772) or write to the FPPC at 428 J Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, CA 95814 or on the internet: www.FPPC.ca.gov.