Sunol Glen Unified School District, Special Recall Election (Unofficial - Post Election Update #1) - July 02, 2024

Last Updated: Wednesday, July 03, 2024; 4:20 PM
Election Results Map
7 of 7 Precincts Reported (100.00%)
Total Registration:828
  Turnout Percentage
Election Day Reporting Turnout 60 7.25 %
Vote by Mail Reporting Turnout 461 55.68 %
Total Ballots Cast 521 62.92 %
7 of 7 Precincts Reported(100.00% )
Vote for One (1) Only
Contest Votes Percentage
Yes 274 52.69 %
No 246 47.31 %
7 of 7 Precincts Reported(100.00% )
Vote for One (1) Only
Contest Votes Percentage
Yes 270 51.92 %
No 250 48.08 %