As an initial and important step to understanding the communities in which the Eden Area Livability Initiative focuses, it was clear that an existing conditions analysis was needed.
This document profiles the five defined communities as they exist previous to this effort, so that the process of developing an overarching and shared vision can be set by first establishing clear indicators and goals based on where these communities currently find themselves and where they would like to be in the future.
This Community Profile places current available data on the five defined communities side by side, so that the reader can make comparisons between the individually defined communities and the area as a whole in comparison the cities within Alameda County. It is our understanding that this information has never been compiled into one document which specifically focuses on this unique set of communities.
The intention is not to place judgment on the current conditions of these communities, but rather display the data, so that community members and other readers can make their own determinations of where support needs to be placed in order to enhance the livability of the urban unincorporated communities of Alameda County.
- 2013 Eden Area Community Profile (PDF - 44,140kb)*