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Children & Families
Child Care & Support
- Adopting a Child
- Becoming a Foster Parent
- Child Care Referrals
- Child Support FAQ's
- Child Support Services
- REACH Ashland Youth Center
The REACH Ashland Youth Center is part of HCSA's Children & Youth Initiatives' strategy to support the development of youth hubs that offer a continuum of comprehensive support services to youth and their families. - Independent Living Skills Program
Supports foster and probation youth in developing the skills they will need for future success. Services are available to all youth in out-of home placement by the Juvenile Court on or after their sixteenth birthday. - Youth Leadership Academy
- Youth UpRising (YU)
Youth UpRising (YU) is a 25,000 sq. ft., state-of-the-art transformation center in the heart of East Oakland dedicated to community transformation powered by the leadership of youth. Offers a wide range of programs and services that develop youth leadership.
Public Assistance
2-1-1 is a free, non-emergency, confidential, 3-digit phone number and service that provides easy access to housing information, and critical health and human services. 2-1-1 operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with multi-lingual capabilities. If you are outside Alameda County, call (888) 886-9660. Learn more...
Financial Assistance
- CalFresh
CalFresh is the new name for California's Food Stamp Program. CalFresh is a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that provides assistance for households to purchase nutritious food. The program uses an easy credit card format called Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) to purchase food at retail stores and farmers markets. - Cash Assistance for Immigrants
- Direct Deposit
Direct deposit means your monthly cash aid check will be deposited into your checking or savings account instead of mailed to you. - Electronic Benefit Transfers (EBT)
EBT, a.k.a Golden State Advantage Card, is an electronic system that automates the delivery, redemption, and reconciliation of issued public assistance benefits. - Families With Children
CalWORKs is an employment-based program that requires employable adults to participate in work-related activities to receive aid. CalWORKs encourages people to view aid as temporary help in time of crisis rather than a way of life. - General Assistance Regulations
- Refugee Assistance
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) program is for newly-arrived refugees who are single and families without children. - Single Adults
- Supplemental Security Income
Medical & Health Assistance
Veteran's Services
Older Adults / People With Disabilities
- Adult Protective Services
- Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
The AAA provides subcontracted services to persons aged 60 and older through grants from the Federal Administration on Aging, State of California, and the County of Alameda. These services include: - Elder / Dependent Adult Abuse
- In-Home Supportive Services
- Report / Prevent Elder Abuse
- Administration on Aging