Forty-eight percent of California's population now resides in a Cool County.
Cool Counties
Cool Counties is a coalition of 39 counties in 20 states across the United States. We are taking bold action to address climate change in our communities.
Alameda County was one of the 12 founding counties in 2007. Joining Cool Counties supports our mission to enrich our community through visionary policies and responsive services.
Alameda County also took the initiative to encourage other California Counties to join:
- 10 California counties have joined: Alameda, Contra Costa, Lake, Los Angeles, Marin, Sacramento, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Yolo
- 48% of the state's population resides in a Cool County
Are you a California county interested in learning more? Or a citizen who would like to encourage your county to join? Visit the California Cool Counties website and contact us for resources.
What Is the Cool Counties Declaration?
A pledge to:
- Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
- Partner with community leaders to reduce countywide greenhouse gas emissions 80% below current levels by 2050 (2% per year)
- Lobby the federal government to take strong climate leadership
- Build a community resilient to local impacts of climate change
- Alameda County's Resolution to Join Cool Counties (PDF - 292kb) *