County employees show their commitment to sustainability by participating in Bike to Work Day.
Our Team
At Alameda County, we believe every job can be a "green job" and so, in that sense, all 9,000 County employees are part of our sustainability team. Teams of employees that focus on specific sustainability tasks include the following:
Climate Action Team
This team is divided into the Climate Executive Committee and a staff level working group and is comprised of representatives from the Alameda County Sheriff's Office, the Auditor-Controller Agency, the Community Development Agency, the General Services Agency, the Alameda County Health, the Human Resources Services Agency, the Information Technology Department, the Public Works Agency, and the Social Services Agency. The Executive Committee, headed by County Administrator Susan S. Muranishi, is leading the implementation of the County's Climate Action Plan for Government Services and Operations.
Climate Coordinators
Each of the County's 20 agencies has a Climate Coordinator who, in addition to his or her regular duties, gathers ideas and provides input into the implementation of the County's Climate Action Plan for Government Services and Operations.
Energy and Sustainability Programs
The General Services Agency has dedicated staff that work together on sustainability projects, such as solar energy and climate protection. They also draft countywide policies for the Board of Supervisors to consider, work to engage policy makers at the state and federal levels, and partner with other agencies on countywide initiatives such as the Climate Action Plan.
Green Teams
Three of our agencies, the Community Development Agency, the Environmental Health Department (within Alameda County Health) and the General Services Agency, have formed internal Green Teams made up of volunteers from various divisions within those agencies. Our Green Teams provide new ideas, take action to make their agencies more sustainable, and conduct outreach to the public. Learn more...