Participation in the recycling program at County facilities is greater than 85%, saving taxpayer dollars and preserving resources.
Reduce, reuse, recycle. This simple formula works in your home or business to save you money while helping conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At Alameda County, recycling and waste reduction are front and center in all of our initiatives from our Green Building Ordinance to our Climate Action Plan.
We have strong partnerships with agencies like StopWaste that help us meet our goal of reducing waste going to landfills by 75%. Recycling and reusing furniture and equipment helps save taxpayer dollars. We also buy recycled-content products to close the loop by creating a market for recycling.
Are you looking for information on:
- Recycling and waste services for your home or business?
- Contact your local hauler or your City's solid waste & recycling coordinator. A list of these contacts can be found at: Residential & Business City Recycling & Garbage Contacts
- If you live in an unincorporated community, contact the provider on your waste bill
- For tips on sorting at home, plus rewards for recycling, check out the Ready, Set, Recycle!
- Where to recycle or donate used items not collected in your home or business recycling programs?
- Check out StopWaste's Recycling Wizard
- How and where to properly dispose of household hazardous waste?