This is the archived website for the 2014.1 ACApps Challenge.
Click the following link to return to the current challenge website:
Photo of Dublin High School; venue for our next hackathon.

The EVENT details.


May 3, 2014
Registration begins at 8:30am


Dublin High School
8151 Village Parkway, Dublin, CA
Map / Directions

The Agenda

8:30-9:30 Breakfast and sign in
9:30-10:00 Welcome, overview, introductions
10:00-10:15 Keynote
10:20-10:55 Introductions and Pitches
11:00-11:25 Form teams
11:30 Hacking starts
12:00-1:00 Lunch Available
1:00-4:30 Hacking continues
4:30-6:00 Hack team presentations (3 minutes each)
6:00-6:15 Judges deliberate, wrap-up talk, closing comments
6:15-7:00 Winners announced, prizes awarded

*Portable Document Format (PDF) file requires the free Adobe Reader.


Kaiser Permanente Logo for Dominion Voting Logo for Triune Infomatics

Alameda County
Department Sponsors

Scott Haggerty, Supervisor District 1 County Administrator's Office Information Technology Department